

RION’s experts came and work with TECOTEC

​In Febuary , Joint TECOTEC had the opportunity to meet and work with experts of RION from Japanese. In this time, there was participation of International Sale Director of RION (Mr. Inayama) and his assistant ( Mr. Kasai ) .

The deputies from both sides RION and TECOTEC came and worked with a number of potential customers as Sience and Technology Institute Transportation (ITST), Water Source University , University of Construction and VietNam Center for Technology of Construction Quality Management (CQM). Besides, RION had a short training for sales staffs of TECOTEC, introduce the new products of RION and four original product: Sound Level Meter, Vibration Level Meter, Viscotestor and Signal Analyzer. The training is considered very useful and effective.

Expert Rion thank the enthusiastic reception from TECOTEC company as well as appreciate the efforts and accomplishments that have been achieved TECOTEC in business as well as in the field of social security .

Source: EMC


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