Reverse engineering, also called back engineering, is the processes of extracting knowledge or design information from any thing man- made and re-producing it or re-producing anything based on the extracted information. With reverese engineering, the user can creates schematic diagram of the PCBs for which there are no circuit diagrams. Once schematics are created it can be used for product maintenance or duplicating the PCBs as spare PCBs.
The Principle:
From available board, by uses different methodologies, analayzes along with supports software/ hardware, the schematics diagram are created and generate a Netlist. Qmax built vary tools such as hardware, software to supports maximum, powerful measurement and analyzes for PCBs. Qmax also has applied reverese engineer in their products, since you can create essential board documentation so that you can have a maintenance strategy that is cost effective and independent of the original equipment manufacturer or the service provider and sharply increases chance of repairing the faulty board.
* Qmax intergrated reverse engineering in vary products as series V, QT… Once particular Product of Qmax apply this engineering is Panther-2K-CT.
Qmax Panther-2K-CT Reverese engineering System Key features
Panther-2K-CT is a versatile open/short tester designed especially for reverese engineering application of tracing circuits of un-documented PCB board. It innovative measurement technology helps tracing PCB tracks between components in a given Circuit Board. It can accommodate various types of clips/ grabbers and connectors to access the device pins to trace the connectivity. It uses Force Current- Measure voltage methodology with voltage clamp to measure the resistance between device pins to determine the connectivity. The current is programmable from 1mA to 50mA. The Voltage clamp is programmable from 200mV to 7.5V. Using 200mV voltage clamp eliminates any conduction of diodes as connectivity. Programmable time base from 1µs per test combination to 650ms helps eliminating large capacitors and inductor being detected as short. Its intelligent software scans the links between devices for all combination at a fast speed and then scan a second time only for the suppect links, using its advanced RAM based sequencing hardware with a slow speed to confirm links eliminating large capacitors as links and large inductors being detected as opens. User friendly Panther-2K-CT software also guides the user to place and move clusters of IC clips and probes to learn the connectivity and generate a NetList. |
NetList Place the clip and probes as directed by software or at your own convenience and Qmax Panther-2K-CT software guides in easy steps to completely cover all the devices entered in BOM list and the Netlist can be exported in EDWin compatible format such as EDIF One importing this NetList in to EDWin software, the user can create a schematic diagram showing the interconnections. |
Schematic diagram proceduced in EDWin Software The schematic editor offer a lot of choices to edit the schematic diagram futher. The schematic is created in EDWin using its extensive libraries. The user has option to add new devices to both Panther and EDWin libraries to create full schematic diagram from a board. Fully feauture EDWin software provides “Auto- Place” and “Auto- Route” facilities to create professional standard circuit diagram. |
Technical Specifications and Key features
Panther-2K-CT hardware is fully features with multiple test methods like serial shift method, Fixed reference Method, Half QSM Method for n*(n-1 )/ 2 combinations, Full QSM Method for n*(n-1) combinations and user defined RAM based sequence. Panther CT software automatically uses them depending on the situation for optimum performance.
No.of Channels Each Mux card hold 256 channels with 4-wire measurement capability. The basic configuaration uses 256 channels. It can be upgraded to a max of 2048 channel, using 8 cards (each of 256 channels) maximum Measurenment Method Panther-2K-CT tester uses fast analog switches for accurate voltage measurements and improves accuracy using 4 wire Kelvin measurement Voltage clamp Programmable voltage clamp with 14-bit accuracy within 0 to 7.5V facilitating accurate voltage clamps as required by user. Time base Test Time is programmable from 1us to 256 us in 256 steps (1,2,3,4.. 256) Wait States Programmable Wait States from zero to 255 wait states for each test. These can be programmed in the 8-bit Waite State RAM and thus each test combination can have its own wait states to accommodate some pins with capacitance and without affecting the overall test speed Device pins/ fixture wiring with varying capacitance may require either to slow down the |
test time or selectively insert wait states for those pins only. Slowing down the test time, common for all pins will greatly reduce the tester throughput and increased overall test time. Panther-2K-CT offer RAM based on the fly insertion of wait states for those pin combinations that are capacitive and thus increasing the overall test speed of the system. Compare Threshould Panther-2K-CT hardware has 4 independently programmable compare threshold voltage and 4 comparator to proceduce 5 Zone test result. CT software uses then as required. User can get his resistance threshold for a link or short depending up on the PCB track resistance Ask for a quote for dentail of Hardware/ Software options and accessories available for Qmax Panther-2K-CT Revese Engineering System Host PC and Operating System Panther-2K-CT is interfaced to a host PC with a minimum configuaration of Pentium P4, 2GB RAM, 160 GB Hard disc, and CD ROM through USB 2.0. The required operating system is WindowsXP Professional Physical Specifications Dimensions: 430mm (H) X 510mm (W) X 600mm (D) Weight: 35Kg (Approx) System Power: 110V 60Hz/ 230V 50Hz 500VA Max System Operating Temparature: 25 +/- 3C |
Source: TMC