

Solar Photovoltaic Troubleshooting Learning System

Amatrol’s 950-SPT1 Solar Photovoltaic Troubleshooting Learning System allows students to develop the specialized skills and knowledge needed for working with the common types of PV systems. The 950-SPT1 teaches students connection, operation, programming, and troubleshooting of AC/DC and grid-connected systems. 

Solar Photovoltaic Troubleshooting Learning System - Manufacturer : Amatrrol - Model: 950-SPT1

 + The 950-SPT1 includes all components needed to develop hands-on, job-ready skills: all solar specific components as well as balance of system items. The learning system contains a mobile workstation, component panels with breakers, combiner box, MPPT charge controller, lamps, batteries, meters, grid-connected inverter, a fault insertion system, PC-based multimedia student curriculum, and instructor’s assessment guide. The required 95-SPA1 two-panel array provides a complete solar PV troubleshooting experience. 

Learning topics: 
- Module Operation
- PV Module Performance
- PV Array Connection
- Solar Batteries
- DC Solar PV Systems
- Charge Controllers
- AC Solar PV Systems
- PV Inverters

- Grid-Connected Systems
- Energy Conservation & Demand
- Solar PV System & Component Sizing
- Solar PV System Performance
- Troubleshooting Components
- System Troubleshooting
- PV Maintenance

Source: TECOTEC Da Nang


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