VietNam’s Industry is developing very fast, built-in the expansion of quantity, composition and class of electric motor. Using requirement actuate manufacture and problems of testing and analyzing quality of motors much more. Today, Technology of testing and analyzing motor almost is simple and incoherent, whose quality is depend on personal skill . Using different instruments make the process is incoherent which decrease the quality of result.
Motor Analyzer 2, the instrument provide a wholly and coherent solution for testing and analyzing motors.
Motor Analyzer 2 combines 13 methods for testing motors. The instrument analysers the motor automatically via resistance, inductance, impedance, capacity, insulation resistance, surge, and high-potential tests. Surge voltage is up to 3000V and high-voltage DC is up to 6000V which are advantages of Analyzer 2. Many built-in funtions such as: automatic switchover between the three motor connecting leads, locating turn-to-turn faults, adjusting the neutral zone help the test more accurate and more simple.
PrintCom software helps to print report which include fully information, many languages are available.
Motor Analyzer 2 is designed for best dimensions, battery as a option for supply power that make it proper with different positions.
Source: TMC