TECOTEC completed installation and technical transfer a PDA-7000 Optical Emissions Spectrometers for Hyundai Aluminum Vina, Pho Noi A IP, Van Lam Dist, Hung Yen Province.
With over 45 years of experience, Hyundai Aluminum Vina specializes in manufacturing and providing aluminum products. Therefore, the quantitative determination of trace and major elements in aluminum alloys: iron, aluminum, copper, lead, magnesium, tin and zinc, are very important factors to evalute product quality.
To fill the needs of the tasks, Hyundai Aluminum Vina selected a PDA-7000 Optical Emissions Spectrometers from TECOTEC Group. On 29th-31th, August 2017, TECOTEC Group installed and trained the PDA-7000 for Hyundai Aluminum Vina.
The PDA-7000 is made by Shimadzu of Japan with outstanding features such as excellent hardware quality, high stability, high analysis productivity in quality control and process control in the ferrous and non-ferrous metal industries, etc. Technicians in TECOTEC Group participated in an intensive training EDX-LE course held in Thailand in July 2017 by Shimadzu to improving skills.
Source: ETA