CalBench is a system that provides users with a compact working environment to cover multiple applications in test and measurement. It is ideal for companies looking to implement an ergonomic and organised calibration process, with a primary workstation covering the bulk of the testing workload. When utilised in workshops within industrial plants, CalBench provides a turnkey solution to enable users to achieve compliance with quality standards.
CalBench provides an integrated approach to housing master instruments as modules into a console mounted above the work bench. The system is a unified solution that replaces the requirement for multiple benchtop and portable test instruments. CalBenches are built to cover the parameters common to industrial sectors, primarily electrical, pressure, temperature, process and frequency.
Modules are the key components of CalBench, they fit into the consoles to cover required applications. Time Electronics have a comprehensive module range that features electrical and process calibrators, pressure controllers and digital gauges, power supplies, oscilloscopes and more. They are designed to optimise calibration work and increase output. This is possible by seamless integration of hardware and software to enable users to automate testing. With CalBench automation users can perform rapid calibration runs and achieve fast turnarounds of instruments and devices coming through the lab.
To complement CalBench, a wide range of accompanying instruments and equipment is available. Products include pressure pumps, dry block calibrators, R&M tools and service kits. Time Electronics also design and supply turnkey laboratories and industrial workshops for customers requiring state-of-the-art facilities for testing, calibration and maintenance.
Source: Vubaloc – TMC Dept.